Reenies is entering its 10th year of saving animals! It’s truly amazing how fast ten years goes by. This
year was the year of surrenders! It seems many many people are overwhelmed with caring for their pets and want to surrender them to rescues, shelters and veterinarian offices. The phone calls that come in on a daily basis for surrenders are overwhelming in itself.
Unfortunately, every rescue and shelter is filled to capacity and can not help every animal in need. Knowing we have to say “no, we can not take your animal in at this time” is a feeling that makes you sick to your stomach. This is a feeling we know all too well and it makes us feel horrible.
This year, we had a surrender story that broke our hearts into pieces. It was our sweet sweet Aramis. We
received a call from a woman who told us about three large male rabbits living in horrific conditions in a garage and the owners were willing to surrender them to anyone who wanted them. I went to the house with a friend who was new to rescuing. We arrived and we both were horrified by what we saw. The smell in the garage was bad, but the site of them living in small wire cages on urine-covered concrete with only green water to drink and old gross pellets to eat was not only heartbreaking but horrifying. Aramis was in the smallest wire cage so I scooped him up and I knew right away he was in bad shape since he was covered in wet filthy urine. He appeared brown when really his fur was white colored. His two brothers Porthos and Athos were together in another wire cage next to him. They were in better shape than Aramis. I let the owners know this was unacceptable. We then left and headed back to the rescue with the three helpless rabbits. We immediately gave Aramis a bath to clean him up. Then, we got them all settled into fresh and clean areas with lots of fresh hay and clean water. We noticed poor Aramis was suffering with infected sores on his feet from standing in urine for so long. We tried keeping him comfortable and got him medical help. He received pain meds and antibiotics, got his feet soaked and wrapped, but it just wasn’t enough. The infection ate through the bones of his feet to the point where his toes just fell off! It was just too much for him to keep enduring so we had to make the heart wrenching decision to put him down so he could be pain free and binky free! We all shed tears for him over the days. He truly was the sweetest, most gentle boy. He was certainly loved by us and loved by everyone that got to meet him. We know he is looking down on all the other buns from heaven.
This day turned out to be a multi rescue mission. As we were driving home with the three male rabbits, I
spotted a little possum acting odd on the side of the road. Of course, we stopped to help. She appeared to have been hit by a car and needed our help. As we approached her, she instinctively tried hard to pull herself into the field to get away from me. We carefully scooped her up and brought her back to the rescue. Once back to the rescue, we noticed she had five babies climbing on her back. Although she was hurt, she fought hard to protect them. What an awesome mama! We quickly called a wildlife rehabilitator who helped this poor mama and babies. She, unfortunately, died a couple days later. However, three of the five babies survived! That was just one day out of many for a rescuer. These adventures never seem to stop.
I know there are many great pet owners, but I feel there is a big disconnect lately with many people and their pets. To the world you are just one person, but to your pet you are their whole world! Your pet counts on you everyday to be there for them and care for their needs. Please, we have to do better for our furry friends. They have so much to offer us and ask for so little in return. We have so many animals that need us. We need your help so we can keep caring for all those who walk through our doors. Please come volunteer your time (we are so desperate for physical help) or donate. We are also in great in need of newspaper, or grocery store circulars! Your help certainly makes a huge difference in the lives of these precious animals. It really will make your heart feel good, and we all could use lots of that! Thank you for supporting Reenies in the past, present and future! You really do make a difference!
– – – -Doreen, Gwen and Karen